Friday, June 15, 2007

A Comrade

You lie amidst stars
Sheathed in murky darkness
Clothed in a white garb,
With sporadic blotches
You sink into the sea
Ensconce within trees
Levitate above peaks
Hover alongside owls
I lie down
Under the star-spangled awning
Gazing at you, Ogling at you
Hearkening to you, Feeling you
You focus on me, smile at me
Coo sweet-nothings into my ear
Your beam pecks my cheek
Your warmth pervades into my spirit
I get to my feet, to move
You do not leave me alone
I saunter, you saunter too
I twirl, you twirl too
I believe you, to be my faithful companion
I trust you with my entire heart
I bid you good night and step into my reverie

I dream of 'us' , prancing in the meadows
I dream of us, floating in the blue blue sky
I dream of us, pirouetting, with the trees
To the tunes of the wind
The cock crows, the birds chirp
I wake up from the trance
There is brightness all around me
There is daylight, there is sunshine
There is luminescence, but there is no you
I search for you, I pine for you
I rummage among the sea, trees, birds and the mountains
I can hear you say "I am right here"
I can feel your warmth, regardless of the heat
I cannot see you
I am still searching for you
I am craving for your presence

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


A ravenous appetite for an empathizing soul
An unquenchable thirst for the knowledge of the whole
A strong desire to swim across the sea to the mole

I covetously search for a person, inorder to reveal
Unspoken truths, to remove the unhindered veil
To let him/her know how lonely I feel, how abandoned I feel

I pine for a being, who could pull me out from the depths of the abyss
I pine for a being, who could defend me from the serpent's * kiss
I pine for a being, who could permeate this void with nothing but bliss

I beseech the Almighty, to liberate me from the shackles of this treacherous quagmire
I yearn for 'the water' in my life to extinguish the revolting fire
I beseech the Almighty to come out in the open, clothed in a humanoid attire

I crave for a shoulder to cry on, a shoulder like no other
A person, who in my difficult times would act like the tether
Oh Almighty, bless this bereaved soul with a brother**

P.S : I didn't do much work on this poem. Just spent about 10 minutes on it. Pardon me. I know I did not do justice to it. Did not want to leave this page empty for long :)

* Serpent as in a sly and treacherous person

** Brother, not in the literal sense. Brother as in an associate or a companion

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The beginning or the end ?

'Twere the halcyon hours of darkness,
The moon in the firmament, lay there oblivious.
The heavens were star-spangled
An iridescent beam of light sparkled

An iridescent beam of light sparkled
It's way through a ward, that was antiquated.
A ward that was bereft of light

That was where she lay, quiescent and quiet

She lay there quiescent and quiet,
Clenching her fists and her jaws tight
Striving to surmount trepidation with all her might
She lay there for a few seconds, Oh ! Not so quiet

She could lie there no more
She could bottle up her emotions no more
She could rein in her screams no more
There she lay, giving out a wild screech and an agonizing roar

Injected with propofol, she lay there cataleptic
Her gestation period of nine months were hectic.
She had been anticipating his arrival for more than a week
He was to have arrived, following the shriek

But, he never arrived immediately after the shriek
After a few minutes, she regally disembarked-an incomplete breech
She clung to the umblical cord, whilst giving a sneaky little peek
There she was, the daughter, so pale and so weak

The nursemaid noticed that her breath had suspended
"She is deceased", the maid said - She could bet on her stipend
Nothing could bring her back into dystopia - neither could love nor could any fund
Was this the beginning or the end ?

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Mask

Adorning my fake mien with a fake smile,
Donning a facade, I proceed to the rostrum.
Without embellishing my heart (as hard as a tile),
Without embellishing my heart - My only fulcrum.

I run around, jump around, oscillate to and fro.
I sing, I laugh, I ropewalk and I dance.
My facial muscles twitch weirdly and so does my brow.
I sing, I laugh and I go into a trance.

Camouflaging my murky past,
Camouflaging my dubious future,
Camouflaging my entire persona to the realm so vast,
I expose my veneer to transport souls into rapture.

'Neath the mask of insanity,
'Neath the cover of grins and smiles,
'Neath the coating of absurdity,
Lies a heart so tender and juvenile.

Why do I have to feign happiness ?
Why do I have to simulate enjoyment ?
Why do I have to suppress sorrow ?
Why do I have to bottle up emotions ?

An unchecked tear tiptoes,
Out of my eye, out of my socket.
The salty droplet goes unnoticed
Buried by my plastic beam.

I sniffle whilst waltzing,
I realize that I am a pawn.
A dummy, crafted to sport a synthetic zing.
An outcast, rejected and dejected.

I was sculpted to make people happy
I was sculpted to experience woe
I was sculpted to falsely present something as genuine
I was sculpted to realize just one thing - 'Pretentiousness'

I console myself.
A smile now makes its imperial entry into my visage.
The single droplet of tear evaporates.
Realization crosses the threshold.

Alas ! All human beings are like me.
"Clowns hidden under the mask of sanity"
"Clowns faking smiles, faking expressions and gestures"
"Clowns posing as homo sapiens"

"Pretentiousness" Sigh - I mutter.

Dedicated to the 'Man behind one such veil' - Veteran Actor, Comedian Charlie Chaplin

And people do make it a point to visit this link and light the candle named "hope". Let there be LIGHT.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Mad Gardener's song

Yet another Inane poem by me, written during IIT-M's Saarang Creative Writing.

For those of you all who don't have any clue as to what The Mad Gardener's song is all about, there you go, the details .

This is an excerpt from Lewis Caroll's "The Mad Gardener's song" -

He thought he saw a Banker's Clerk
Descending from the bus:
He looked again and found it was
A Hippopotamus.
'If this should stay to dine'. he said,
'There won't be much for us!'

The highlighted words appear in each one of the Mad Gardener's songs i.e. they're all in the format-

He thought he saw a __________________
He looked again and found it was
he said,

I was asked to choose any one from the following :

~ A Walking Stick
~ A Noble Monk
~ A Street lamp
~ A Resolution
~ An Exit Sign

My Mad Gardener's Song :

He thought he saw a noble monk
Chanting prayers and singing hymns
He looked again and found it was
A Tape Recorder.
'If this should keep playing' , he said
'I would have to pay for a higher electricity bill'

The Dot and The Line

Before I begin typing this stuff out let me tell you Something beforehand : This was written by Me and a girl called Fasheen in IIT-M's cultural fest Saarang in about 15 mts time.

The competition : Creative Writing
Type of Poetry : Renga (6 Haikus having 5-7-5 syllables +/- one syllable)
The Challenge : Two people who do not know each other at all should compose a Renga on "The Dot and The Line - Romance in Lower Mathematics" within 15 mts of time. Each person should write a stanza(Haiku) and pass it over to the other and the other person should write another Haiku and pass it over the same person, who handed over the poetry paper out first. In short alternate stanzas composed by 2 different people, just to understand what 'coherance' is all about.
The Rule : No discussions allowed between the two poets/poetesses. Individual Haikus wonly !!

So there you go Fasheen (Stanzas 1,3,5) and Nithya's (Stanzas 2,4,6) Renga

Did you hear about the triangle ?
Between the lovely dot and the three lines.
Together, they vied for her attention.

The dot, for the kind of
Petite soul that she was, loved her beau
"The Median", who originated from her.

This infuriated the other three lines
They wanted to be the 'centre' of her attention.
But the dot was blissfully unaware.

The three vile lines began plotting-
Plotting a sinister plan against their Love's love,
Whilst the couple was cooing and cuddling.

They approached the big diametered circle
To attack 'Median' with his army of radii
The greedy circle agreed readily.

By the time the lazy circle
Approached with his army to attack the median
The lovey-dovey couple 'tangented' away !!!

P.S : Agreed this poem is stupid and silly. Couldn't come up with a better one due to lack of time.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Let there be Light

I see light,light at the end of the tunnel.
A faint beam of light in a dusky cave.
The rays weren't bright....Nor were they intense
Did I really see Light or was it phantasmagoria ?

I see light, light at the end of the tunnel.
Light that imbues buoyancy in me
Light that restores my faith
Light that injects courage into my anaemic veins.

I saw that light, light at the end of the tunnel.
After a long spell of darkness-
Darkness, that had eclipsed this optical conduit.
The psyche in me underwent a change from obscurity to clarity.

I wallowed in the glory of having perceived that light
I savoured that moment of having witnessed that spectacle -
Light waves creeping through the anfractuouos crevices of that long tunnel
I exulted, when I realized that I had discovered HOPE.

Let there be LIGHT...

P.S : My poetry writing skills are going down the drain. Sorry for this pathetic attempt. I wanted to prevent this blog from dying and decaying. That's the reason why I wrote this derisory piece. This is what I call Amphigory.

P.P.S : Please forgive me if I have done any punctuation errors. I am pretty bad at punctuations, especially when it comes to poetry writing.

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