Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Mad Gardener's song

Yet another Inane poem by me, written during IIT-M's Saarang Creative Writing.

For those of you all who don't have any clue as to what The Mad Gardener's song is all about, there you go, the details .

This is an excerpt from Lewis Caroll's "The Mad Gardener's song" -

He thought he saw a Banker's Clerk
Descending from the bus:
He looked again and found it was
A Hippopotamus.
'If this should stay to dine'. he said,
'There won't be much for us!'

The highlighted words appear in each one of the Mad Gardener's songs i.e. they're all in the format-

He thought he saw a __________________
He looked again and found it was
he said,

I was asked to choose any one from the following :

~ A Walking Stick
~ A Noble Monk
~ A Street lamp
~ A Resolution
~ An Exit Sign

My Mad Gardener's Song :

He thought he saw a noble monk
Chanting prayers and singing hymns
He looked again and found it was
A Tape Recorder.
'If this should keep playing' , he said
'I would have to pay for a higher electricity bill'


Blogger Ryan said...

er...the other one is better than this..the renga is way better...thsi one sux.. :P..sorry im being so straught to the point

January 30, 2007 at 6:58 AM  
Blogger Nithya said...

I know this is bad..Vera edhuvum thonala..Was dead hungry while writing this one :D

Hayyo idhukellam sorry e thevailla..I don't mind ppl giving me constructive criticisms

January 30, 2007 at 11:40 PM  

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